Today in program more news about EuroMaidan, political feedback from Volodumyr Lernatovych, music from TIK and much more
You can support Euro Maydan by clicking "Donate" button located on the right hand side under "Support Euro Maidan"
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Thanks to people who supported EuroMaidan
Transcript will be included.
You can support Euro Maydan by clicking "Donate" button located on the right hand side under "Support Euro Maidan"
12.20.2013 - Михаїл і Марійка Джуга - 100$
12.2.2013 - Poltava Ukrainian Dance Company - 100$
12.2.2013 - Myroslava Slyuz - 50$
12.1.2013 - Tetyana Lysak - 100 $
Total collected - 350$